Your time as a caterpillar has come to an end - it's time to become the butterfly..

Your ideal reality is not years away

It's not days away

It's not going to take time..

It's here and it's NOW.

And you're about to tap into that, with what is probably the most simple formula for manifestation that you've ever tried.

You don't have to try to manifest, you don't have to struggle on the way to it, you don't have to do all these processes, you don't have to try be worthy for it, you don't have to do endless healing and fixing and rewiring...

It. just. gets. exhausting!!!

Doesn't it?

What if NONE of that was necessary?

What if you can just go straight to the end result?

What if you could just BE who you want to be?

What if you're already so damn worthy & can shift to the timeline where IT'S DONE, now?

You can.

This new reality doesn't exist anywhere but within you. And time and circumstances don't mean ANYTHING.

And what I'm going to unlock within you is the natural ability to quantum JUMP into that timeline & start living it NOW.

Not tomorrow, not next year.

Because tomorrow does NOT exist. The future doesn't exist. We are not waiting for something to happen or something to manifest.

We are ACCEPTING it as truth now.

We are living in it now.

You already ARE it, you already HAVE it - now you're going to embody that

Without confusion

Without effort

In absolute flow.

How does this sound?

You are not going to be the same person when you finish this program.

You are going to shift so profoundly

That you won't even recognise yourself (in the best way!)

And then you will start recognising that you are living a new life, in a new time, a new parallel reality.

But don't get me wrong - this IS going to take your dedication and commitment. You gotta be ready to go ALL IN and trust the process. You've gotta be ready to move OUT of your comfort zone, leave behind your old stories, and be truly ready for massive inner shifts and transformation.

It's a simple process

But you still need to be ALL. IN.

This has changed everything for me.

I did a total 180 in my life

When things seemed impossible

And I've had insane shifts in the past 2 months - which I'm really excited to share how to get you there too

I've manifested excellerated healing & health, my body changing, a TOTAL identity shift and new habits, magical synchronicities & events, the flow of abundance & more clients, increase in subscribers, spiritual downloads, energy surges, releasing of the old and SO MUCH MORE. I'm in awe.

I don't care how things have been, or what your circumstances are - it doesn't matter.

You can have what you desire right now.


Because you're going to quantum jump to a completely different timeline...

Where everything IS different.

This is a 30 day POWERFUL & potent container for those truly ready to uplevel to their highest timeline.

Get ready to truly transform because you WILL if you are part of this container.

Together, we will move you into that reality of absolute THRIVING, prosperity, health, love and magnetic confidence.

You are going to transcend your current circumstances and SHIFT into a new time, a new you, a new life.

And no, it isn't going to take a tonne of effort or a long time.

You are going to find out how very simple and easy this is for you. And you can replicate this process over and over to manifest anything you want.

It IS going to take a strong desire and determination to move outside of your comfort zone and to leave behind the old stories about yourself and your life.

You're going to become the butterfly.

I'm taking you through 30 days of high frequency trainings, teaching you the formula & 2 LIVE coaching calls with me, as well as a Telegram group. This intensive will take you through your cocoon process - of shifting out of the old habits and emerging as the butterfly (new identity, the new reality).

You will learn:

  • Raise your consciousness to super high frequencies
  • Understand the nature of reality and WHY & HOW you can manifest anything you want by matching the consciousness of it
  • Apply one process to identify and shift unconscious beliefs
  • Shift into a new identity through specific techniques
  • Quantum LEAP into your new reality and see things begin to line up for you
  • Release fears around your desires and the one root cause of why you're not changing right now
  • Learn how to tap into Gamma brain wave states for SUPERHUMAN manifesting power & healing power
  • Maintain this new timeline throughout your day DESPITE whatever circumstances go on around you
  • Why you NEED to let go
  • The freakin' ART of confidence & self-worth (literally a game-changer)
  • Start attracting the abundance, health, love and confidence you deserve

Oh.. and you're going to be HAPPY. You're going to be the YOU that you came here to be. Absolutely infinite and limitless.

Whatever you want, it's already done. You, my love, are going to powerfully step into your confidence and power like you NEVER have before - and I'm going to be your loving guide.

Let's do this.

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Who is this for?

Can anyone sign up for this course?

Yes! If you resonate and you WANT to change your freakin' life then yes, sign up. Make sure you're ready to go all in and not give up on yourself! If you REALLY want to experience profound shifts and manifest anything you want & this feels like a full body HELL YES - then sign up.

What else is included?

  • Quantum jumping guided meditation to rapidly change your timeline
  • POTENT high frequency activations to shift your energy instantly
  • Video trainings and exercises/guides to teach your the Formula
  • 2x LIVE coaching calls with me throughout the 30 days, with replays available
  • A private telegram group for community so we help each other to uplevel & access to me for 30 days (this includes EXTRA text/voice messaging training from me)

So, what are you waiting for?

A whole new WORLD exists here and now for you. It's time to experience your Metamorphosis.

We begin on July 1st, (AEST).

But don't worry if you're in another time zone, you can still join!

See you soon,

Magic & miracles are your birthright.

Juliet x

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